
Spiders are web crawlers that use samples to extract data from the pages it visits.

Spider properties

You can access your spider’s properties by clicking the gear icon located right of your spider in the list on the left.

Spider properties

Configuring login details

If you need to log into a site, you can configure login details by ticking ‘Perform login’ in the spider properties menu. Here you can set the login URL, username and password.

Enabling JavaScript

You can enable JavaScript in your spider by ticking Enable JavaScript in the spider properties menu. Note that you’ll need to set the SPLASH_URL Scrapy setting to your [Splash](https://github.com/scrapinghub/splash) endpoint URL for JavaScript to work during the crawl.

Running a spider

Portia will save your projects in slyd/data/projects. You can use portiacrawl to run a spider:


where PROJECT_PATH is the path of the project and SPIDER_NAME is a spider that exists within that project. You can list the spiders for a project with the following:

portiacrawl PROJECT_PATH

Portia spiders are ultimately Scrapy spiders. You can pass Scrapy arguments when running with portiacrawl using the -a option. You can also specify a custom settings module using the --settings option. The Scrapy documentation contains full details on available options and settings.

Minimum items threshold

To avoid infinite crawling loops, Portia spiders check to see if the number of scraped items meet a minimum threshold over a given period of time. If not, the job is closed with slybot_fewitems_scraped outcome.

By default, the period of time is 3600 seconds and the threshold is 200 items scraped. This means if less than 200 items were scraped in the last 3600 seconds, the job will close.

You can set the period in seconds with the SLYCLOSE_SPIDER_CHECK_PERIOD setting, and the threshold number of items with the SLYCLOSE_SPIDER_PERIOD_ITEMS setting.